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    Five soul-searching questions to opening a coffee shop?


    Who want to open a coffee shop first go through soul-searching?

    First, what should I do if the location of the store fails and the pandemic closes down?

    Second, high-quality space is scarce and rents are high, what to do?

    Third, what should I do if the labor cost is high and the staff is not standardized?

    Fourth, the quality is unstable, what should I do if there are many customer complaints?

    Fifth, what should I do if the opening hours are short and the supply capacity is limited?

    Are you ready?

    See how COFE+ robot barista solve those :

    COFE+ robot barista, is a complete coffee shop,  2.5 square meters, flexible, free site selection. Fully-Sealed, 0 contacts, The only café opens during the pendemic period.

    COFE+ robot barista, no need for physical stores, cheap place fees, adapt to any scenarios such as indoor and outdoor,

    COFE+ robot barista, no need for labor, robots instead of human labor, saving high labor costs.

    COFE+ robot barista, selected international gold medal coffee beans and other high-quality raw materials, 100% copy of the world's professional barista craftsmanship, taste comparable to starpapa.

    COFE+ robot barista, robot for you to work, 24 hours non-stop!

    COFE+ Passion for future!

    robot barista

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