Cofe+ Robot café appeared at the 2023 Asian Games building

In the 2.5 square-meter bright kitchen space, a flexible robotic arm is working smoothly, Fresh ground coffee beans, adding ice cubes, adding fresh milk, frothing milk, capping the lid, and handing it out…a cup of fresh ground coffee It only took 1 minute to make. A robot coffee kiosk can make 900 cups of fresh ground premium coffee day and

COFE+ Robot Freshly Ground Coffee Pavilion Debuts at the 2023 Shenzhen High-Tech Fair

The 25th China International High-Tech Fair, themed “Igniting Innovation Vitality, Enhancing Development Quality,” was held from November 15th to 19th, 2023 at the Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center and Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center, with various exhibitions, conferences, forums, and other activities. This year marks the tenth anniversary of the “Belt and Road” Initiative, and the fair fully leveraged

Shanghai Vice Secretary-General Zhang Xiong inspects the 5th Generation COFE+ Intelligent Robot Coffee Kiosk

Shanghai Vice Secretary-General Zhang Xiong, accompanied by Director Jiang from the Municipal Cooperation and Exchange Office and other bureau leaders, cordially visited the exhibition booth to inspect the newly emerging sensation, the globally just-released 5th Generation COFE+ Intelligent Robot Coffee Kiosk. The world’s first “light” store, COFE+A disruptive new species, a revolutionary new model 100% replication of world champion baristas’

Gansu Province Governor Ren Zhenhe inspects the COFE+ Intelligent Robot Coffee Kiosk

Governor Ren Zhenhe of Gansu Province paid a cordial visit to the newly emerging sensation, the COFE+ Intelligent Robot Coffee Kiosk, which made its appearance at the Gansu·China Lanzhou Fair. COFE+ Intelligent Robot Coffee Kiosk 5th Generation | Iterative Upgrade (1) 100% Learning Replication: Exquisite craftsmanship of human champion barista (2) Variety and Taste: Comparable to internationally renowned coffee brands

How has the robot coffee industry grown in recent years, and what are the major factors driving this growth?

Over the past few years, the robot coffee industry has witnessed significant growth, with more and more companies and individuals opting for automated coffee machines. From cafes to offices, robot coffee machines have become a staple in many establishments around the world. The growth of the robot coffee industry can be attributed to several factors, including advances in technology, convenience,


2022年世界人工智能大会将于9月1日-3日在上海世博中心举办召开,脑机接口作为今年大会的“硬核”亮点,首次以主题论坛的形式重磅登陆,本次论坛主题为“脑·机智能融合”。COFE+全智能•多功能•机器人咖啡亭连续2年作为特邀嘉宾,受邀参展,聪明的机器人为人类的智者们,奉上一杯国际金奖咖啡。 全智能·多功能的COFE+机器人现磨咖啡亭,经过4年持续迭代升级,最新产品无论是功能多样性、技术先进性、体验人性化还是口味卓越性,都日趋完美,创造了多个率先: 1 第一个支持数字人民币的咖啡机器人 2 第一个全面取得欧盟CE权威认证的咖啡机器人 3 第一个实现冷奶沫做冰饮的先进技术的咖啡机器人 4 第一个实现双奶型做饮品的先进技术的咖啡机器人 5第一个模仿人类咖啡师的数字精准打奶泡技术的咖啡机器人 6第一个复制人类咖啡冠军手艺的先进人工智能的咖啡机器人 7第一个出口美国/德国/澳洲/东南亚的中国咖啡机器人 早在今年上海疫情爆发时期,COFE+就成为了新网红。3月份开始上海保卫战打响,浦东、浦西两地相继进入全域静态管理。在上海市疫情防控指挥部统筹安排下, 上海氦豚机器人科技有限公司携 cofe+全智能•多功能•咖啡机器人,紧急出征杨浦区、徐汇新区、长宁区、浦东新区等地抗疫前线、方舱医院,日夜服务连轴转的抗疫“卫士”们,积极参加上海保卫战,成为静态管理期间“上海滩唯一营业的咖啡馆”…… 二个月里,24小时无人值守持续营业,cofe+机器人新鲜现磨的杯杯咖啡,把飘着咖香的温暖带给了日夜操劳的大白们、志愿者们、物流人员和滞留在路上的市民,被赞誉为“cofe+咖啡机器人在,魔都的烟火气就在,歼灭疫情充满希望”。 目前上海已经设有50多个COFE+机器人现磨咖啡亭体验中心,分布在政府大院、办公大楼、购物商场、地铁站、步行街、医院、大学、图书馆、艺术馆、旅游景点等各类场景。消费者调查普遍反映:cofe+的产品口味,可以媲美世界著名的实体咖啡馆,毫不逊色专业的人类咖啡师们。cofe+在各个场所的日均销售杯数,超越了75%的实体咖啡连锁店品牌,几乎各个场景都能盈利,体现出十足的发展优势和经营潜力。 全球只有四个国家七个企业能够研发机器人咖啡亭,COFE+ 机器人咖啡亭是该领域的佼佼者。COFE+机器人咖啡亭浑身上下满满的黑科技,不但使用氦豚公司自研的60多项国内外专利,还广泛采用了来自瑞士、德国、意大利、日本、韩国等20多个国家的高科技零部件,犹如是技术上的联合国,科学上的英雄联盟,成为全球一体化、各国彼此依存、相互借力共同繁荣的典范。 COFE+把节约的成本用于改善原物料,精选世界名产地的食材:埃塞俄比亚的精品咖啡豆、锡兰红茶、日本抹茶、比利时巧克力、土耳其榛果等名优原料,以及高品质的纯鲜奶源,富矿物质的纯净水,极大地带动了全球各农业国的种植业和食品加工业发展,推动了全球贸易的增长。这一杯,全球go,购全球,中国制造和进口采买造福世界各国。 尤其值得点赞的是:COFE+机器人咖啡亭不但杯杯100%现磨,滴滴新鲜复制冠军咖啡师的手艺,还具有“多口味个性化定制”的特异功能,这是cofe+咖啡机器人的全球首创。2种咖啡豆,双奶选择,6种糖浆、8种粉粒、2种浇头、冷热冰不同温度,配方可以创意组合,原料可以新鲜搭配,新鲜现场配比制作,完成一杯您最满意的专属口味饮品,前后不到1分钟。这一杯,十分神奇,不同凡•享。 从生态保护、节能减排、杜绝浪费、减少污染到回收利用,从解放人类、解放双手、提高服务、提高品质到人民享受幸福生活,从带动零部件行业发展,带动服务业发展,繁荣社会零售业到开启夜经济经济和培育夜生活,从帮助非洲、拉美、亚洲的发展中国家和落后的农业地区到实现各国人民共同脱贫致富………机器人都开始大显身手。 未来已来,变革在即。我们相信,在这次世界人工智能大会上,cofe+全智能•多功能•咖啡机器人一定会表现不俗,赢得阵阵掌声。 政府大院 办公大楼 购物商场 地铁站 中心医院 户外街旁 步行街 机器人服务人类,人类从此享受幸福

How Are Robot Coffee Kiosks Changing the Way We Get Our Coffee Fix?

In recent years, the coffee industry has been revolutionized by technology, and one of the most prominent changes has been the emergence of robot coffee kiosks. These kiosks are designed to provide customers with a quick and convenient way to get their coffee fix, and they are changing the way we think about coffee. Convenience and SpeedOne of the primary


COFE+ is a robot café that is designed for a modern coffee lifestyle, which is efficient, fresh, and safe. With the robotic arm working as professional barista, COFE+ can grind a cup of premium coffee in 50 seconds and serve the community 24/7. COFE+ is designed to suit various indoor and outdoor scenarios, including office buildings, airports, parks, plazas, etc.

Can Robot Coffee Kiosks Replace Traditional Coffee Shops?

Coffee shops have been a popular spot for socializing and grabbing a quick caffeine fix for many years. However, with the rise of technology, there is a new player in the game: robot coffee kiosks. These automated kiosks claim to offer quick and convenient service without the need for human staff. But can they replace traditional coffee shops? Robot coffee

COFE+ Robot Coffee is now in Sinan Mansion and Shang Sheng New House! Play Coffee Modern Night

The perfect combination of technology and coffee A balance of technology and taste Leading the way to the future of fashion Since March 29th, Shanghai Coffee Culture Week with the theme of ‘Shanghai because of coffee’ has been opened. Through coffee tournaments, cultural bazaars and other thematic activities to fully explore the cultural connotation of coffee, so that coffee culture

Smart campus Has You and Me, COFE+ Robot Coffee Kiosk Appears at the Education Logistics Exhibition

The 4th China Education Logistics Exhibition was held at Shanghai World Expo Exhibition & Convention Center from April 9 to April 11, with the theme of ‘Technology Logistics, Smart Campus, Building a New Education Ecology’, dedicated to creating an intelligent, saving, safe, convenient, sharing and healthy campus, creating a beautiful campus environment for teachers and students, and promoting the modernization

At the 8th Shanghai Fair, the artificial intelligence robot coffee becomes a bright spot

The 8th Shanghai International Trade Fair, co-sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the State Intellectual Property Office, and the Shanghai Municipal People’s Government, is called the (Shanghai) International Technology Import and Export Fair and was held from April 15th to 17th at the Shanghai World Expo Exhibition and Convention Center. TheAs an important platform

The biggest baking exhibition in 2021 is here!

WelcAfter experiencing the 2020 new crown pneumonia epidemic, as a professional bakery and confectionery exhibition serving local and radiating Asia-Pacific and even the world, the 23rd China International Bakery Exhibition (Bakery China) will be held in Shanghai from April 27th to 30th. Held at the International Expo Center. The exhibition provides a sharing platform for global bakery industry leaders, professionals

The Munich Electronics Show is Coming, COFE+ Robot Coffee Helps the Smart Sensor Industry

Today, the Munich Shanghai Electronics Fair was held at the Shanghai New International Expo Center. The exhibition lasts for 3 days. With the theme of ‘Drive the Future of Travel’, it will create a technology display platform from industry forward-looking R&D technology to application terminals. There are more than 1,000 high-quality electronics companies participated in the exhibition from home and abroad.

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